Monday, 1 February 2010


This was my 7 day experience with 'Oxy-Powder'


I'm a 41 year old male, 6'2", reasonably healthy and try to exercise and eat the right types of food when I can. I've been reading about the benefits that colonic cleansing can have on your overall health and so have decided, after a bit of research, to give the much advertised Oxypowder 7 day course a go.

This morning (30/03/08) my body stats were:

Weight: 173.3lbs, Body Fat: 12.8%, Water: 60.8%.

Just before going to sleep I took 4 capsules to start the process going.


This morning (31/03/08) my body stats were:

Weight: 171.7lbs, Body Fat: 12.1%, Water: 61.5%.

At 9.30am, 12, and 2pm I had small, dark and liquid bowl movements (bms), which were odourless and looked like wall paint. Generally these occurred soon after food.I have felt a bit light headed and drowsy today.Just before going to sleep I took 6 capsules to increase the effect which, for me, had been at the lower end of the 3 to 5 bms a day range.


This morning (1/04/08) my body stats were:
Weight: 173.2lbs, Body Fat: 12.8%, Water: 60.8%.

10am, 1pm, (1.30pm) I had good size dark, liquid movements with no odour. I felt fine and not lightheaded or drowsy like yesterday.


This morning I took 8 capsules as 6 didn't seem enough.This morning (2/04/08) my body stats were:

Weight: 170lbs, Body Fat: 11.5%, Water: 62%.

11am I had large, soft, odourless bms (the consistency of porridge, if you forgive the analogy). 5pm, 6pm, 6.30pm I had a semi liquid bm with no odour. I have noticed black dots/specks in the stools. I found this explanation at 'Black specks may be seeds, foods, or from die off of yeast or bacteria.If you start any supplement that might create looser stools, temporary diarrhea, or die-off of yeast or bacteria (like an antibiotic, pro biotic, digestive enzymes, anti fungal, laxative, etc), you might see dark or black flecks in stool during this 'cleaning out' period. Certain types of adverse bacteria in the colon can produce dark residues and this is getting cleaned out'.Just before going to sleep I took 10 capsules.


This morning (3/04/08) my body stats were:

Weight: 171.7lbs, Body Fat: 12.4%, Water: 61.2%

11am, 3pm I had good size, soft , odourless bms. I have noticed more black dots/specks in the stools.6.30pm I had a smallish, semi liquid, odourless bms with more black specks in the stool.


Early this morning I took 10 capsules.This morning (4/04/08) my body stats were:

Weight: 170.5lbs, Body Fat: 11.7%, Water: 61%

10am, 3pm I had good size, soft odourless bms. I have noticed more black dots/specks in the stools.8pm I almost had to encourage myself to go in order to reach the minimum 3 bms a day. The stool was odourless, small and what might be called butt-pee with some soft flakes in it. The black specks were present.


Early this morning I took 10 capsules.This morning (5/04/08) my body stats were:

Weight : 171.7lbs, Body Fat: 11.9%, Water: 61.6%

12pm, 2pm I had good size, soft, odourless bms. This was followed by a bit of diarrhea probably due to the amount of water I had drunk . I noticed more black dots/specks in the stools.Just before going to sleep I took 12 capsules as 10 didn't seem enough today.


This morning (6/04/08) my body stats were:

Weight: 171.6lbs, Body Fat: 12%, Water: 61.5%

10am, 11.30am, 1pm I had good size, soft, odourless bms. This was followed by a bit of diarrhea. I noticed more black dots/specks in the stools.


This morning (7/04/08) my body stats were:

Weight : 171.3lbs, Body Fat: 11.9%, Water: 61.6%

12pm went to loo and bm back to usual pre-Oxypowder state.


Overall I would say that this is a fair product, although I would assume there are stronger products out there. My experience with Oxypowder was that:

-I felt a little lightheaded on the first day on Oxypowder but much less so thereafter.

-Regardless of the amount of capsules I took, (up to 12 capsules a day) I still had the 3 bowel movements a day.

-Most bm's came a little after food and throughout the course I never felt like I wouldn't make it to the loo in time.-Aside from the black specks in the stools, I didn't notice anything unusual or foul smelling.

-I lost 1.7lbs, probably due to the balance of foods I consumed over this period.

-I feel it has been worthwhile and that I've benefited from a good, healthy flush out.

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